Thank you visiting my Meridian Gallery website.
I have over 30years experience buying and selling design led art and antiques. I have a particular interest in applied design from c1860 until the present day – Gothoc Revival, Arts and Crafts, Aesthetic Movement, Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Post-War modernism.
The gallery below includes current stock and items recently sold. To purchase or view more pictures and information please follow this link to my eBay Shop – MeridianGallery
I regret that we are no longer able to sell direct to you from this website – there simply wasn’t enough demand for that service.















We also offera selection of mid century modern furniture and decorative items from our ZED Decorative stand in the Lewes Antiques Centre, Cliffe High Street, East Sussex. We can be found on the ground floor or ask at the desk. See the ZED Decorative page – CLICK HERE